Thursday, December 31, 2009
Africa Can … End Poverty
“For the first time in 30 years, Sub-Saharan Africa is growing at the same rate as the developing world (save India and China). For more, see the book “Africa at a turning point?”. If African countries can sustain this growth and make it more widely shared, the dream of a continent free of poverty can become a reality.”
In a recent post, “African Successes” (2009-09-17), he lists 42 striking success stories from which around 20 cases will be selected for in-depth study in order to evaluate the drivers of success, the sustainability of outcome, and the potential for scaling up successful experiences.
In a lighter perspective, the New York Times signals Africa’s renewed visual and artistic influence that is touching film, music and fashion here .
Is a new Afrocentric wind rising?
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Stock Market Crash and the Real Economy
The boom and bust episode, exceptional by historical standards, is quite apparent in the Price/Earnings series, here:

Old Media and New
Read the New York Times story here .
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tax Competition and Public Services : California vs. Texas
Read the William Voegli paper here .
My comment: one suspects that high taxes European countries follow or surpass the same Californian model. States’ real productivity has probably reached a phase of decreasing returns.
Hat tip to Tyler Cowen (Marginal Revolution).
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Stopped Clocks and Cooling Hysteria

Want to read something really different about current scares? Have a look at Macromania, the blog of David Andolfatto, and especially the two recent posts on Doctor Gloom (December 18) and climate change (December 15) here .
Monday, December 21, 2009
William Easterly on Summitry
« We have had tons of international summits, almost all of them have failed to produce anything of value. Why do we keep setting our expectations so high? Maybe we should try some other path of change besides the Big International Summit?”
My comment: For global problems too, decentralized coordination is more realistic – today , in the extended second twentieth century – than attempts at world level centralization.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Greece, and the ECB as a Regional IMF
Now Simon Johnson writes in The New Republic here that the Eurozone and ECB are a regional IMF, sort of. I agree.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
State Spending vs. Tax Cuts
This was after all a policy that an American “liberal” such as John Kennedy adopted, following the advice of Paul Samuelson.
It is a policy that should claim the higher priority to boost the over-taxed European economies.
The Grabbing Hand
Read the complete post here .
Hat tip to Mark Thoma.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Political Short-Termism
Whereas “there have been few times so good for public budget management as the “great moderation” years of solid growth and low inflation that preceded the present crisis, (…) the vast majority of EU countries ran substantial budget deficits (…)
It is ironic that in the current EU, the new regulatory measures are being written and promoted primarily by the large Western countries whose financial systems proved to be the most vulnerable in the crisis. Just imagine how it would look if new financial regulations in Central and Eastern Europe were written mostly by Latvians.”
Monday, December 14, 2009
Big Banks Get Bigger

Read his comment here .
Samuelson and Random Asset Prices
But the question that comes next is: can we identify prices that are not properly anticipated and estimate the biases in anticipations?
Read the paper here . Hat tip to Tyler Cowen (Marginal Revolution).
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Paul Samuelson Dies at 94

A really superior mind who durably transformed the field of economics.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tracking the Recession and Coming Recovery

Casey Mulligan has developed an intriguing real business cycle model which has « no adverse productivity shocks, no shocks to capital markets (these variables just react to events in the labor market), no monetary policy, and no fiscal stimulus. Simply put: I view this as a one (type of) shock recession, and the labor market is ground zero for that shock.
This version of the model has a labor market distortion that gets progressively worse for the two years (2008 & 2009), at which point it partly reverses itself although never getting back to pre-recession levels.”
OK all this seems extremely difficult to believe as a description of the current recession, but surprisingly the model’s simulations do track observed evolutions in labor usage, consumption, labor productivity and investment rather well (see Mulligan’s blog “Supply and demand”, "What Happens Next? Part II", December 9).
Seven Lean Years for the US ?
Note that the current unemployment rate is quite similar to the one reached during the 1981-82 recession (10.8 percent).
Read his paper here .
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Two Real Estate Booms and Busts Compared
Paul Volcker Joins the Classical Banking Club
Read the Wall Street Journal article here .
The US and the Payroll Tax
As a conclusion he wonders “Will it be Democrats who first harness the revenue-collection power of the payroll tax? Or will Republicans appreciate its favorable incentives?”
I disagree with the last sentence claim: the incentives provided by the payroll tax are not “favorable” but strongly detrimental to labor supply. And the transatlantic differences in its level go a long way to explaining differences in hours worked per capita, and consequently production per capita, on both sides of the Atlantic as Edward Prescott showed (see my paper "Comment gagner plus" on my homepage here ).
Read the Mulligan post here .
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The Great Trade Collapse and Crisis Theory

According to Richard Baldwin in the introductory chapter of the new book he is editing for the world’s trade ministers WTO gathering in Geneva, Causes, Consequences and Prospects,
“World trade experienced a sudden, severe and synchronized collapse in the late 2008 – the sharpest in recorded history and deepest since WWII.”
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Global Savings Glut Theory of the Great Recession
I agree that once a huge amount of liquidity has been deluged on the world economy it can only be returned to a more reasonable level by several successive asset markets crashes that dissipate some wealth each time, absent a new innovation boom that would require a large amount of new real investment.
Read her paper here .
Macroeconomic Theory Did Not Fail, Sumner
According to him the Federal Reserve did cause the contraction by its ultra-restrictive monetary policy in 2008. He however does not exclude that some real supply side difficulties also contributed to the crisis, but that too can be inserted into the AD-AS diagram.
Read the paper here .